Oct. 11, 2008
1:38 a.m.
On 10 Oct 2008, at 17:50, Joe Strout wrote:
from string import Template s = Template('$name was born in ${country}') print s.match('Guido was born in the Netherlands') {'name':'Guido', 'country':'the Netherlands'} print s.match('Spam was born as a canned ham') None
You can basically do this using regular expressions; it's not as "pretty", but it does exactly the same thing:
s = re.compile('(?P<name>.*) was born in (?P<country>.*)') print s.match( 'Guido was born in the Netherlands').groupdict() {'country': 'the Netherlands', 'name': 'Guido'} print s.match('Spam was born as a canned ham') None
And if you wanted non-greedy, just replace ".*" with ".*?". Jared