On 1/30/2017 4:21 AM, INADA Naoki wrote: A followup to Julien Palard's post Mar 2016.
We (Japanese translation team) and Julien start sharing one Transifex project.
I am in favor of translations AND of making them easy to find. Sharing infrastructure seems sensible. Aside from the base url, I think each repository should mimic the current hierarchical structure of docs.python.org: .../version/document/page.html#paragraph
Please see this dashboard. We have nice progress. https://www.transifex.com/python-doc/python-35/dashboard/
Julien want hosting french documentation at https://docs.python.org/fr/
and doc.python.org/jp, es, etc, as discussed in https://bugs.python.org/issue26546 Regardless of where the pages are physically located, which is to say, what the real base url is, I presume that docs.python.org/fr could be redirected to that location. Assuming a duplicated page hierarchy as suggested above, this would mean that one could access a translation of a page by inserting the country code into the url on the url bar. This in turn means that one could open both English original and translation on side-by-side tabs or windows by right-clicking on one of the permalinks on the page and selecting 'Open in new tab/window' and then opening translation on the current tab, as suggested above. (This could be made easier, but is good enough to start.)
I don't have strong opinion about where to hosting, but I want to share more efforts (automated build + hosting) with Julien and other language communities.
Since Berker Peksag against about hosting translated document on docs.python.org [1],
I read the discussion and Berker is understandably against having to deal with translation issues on bugs.python.org. To mitigate against this, each translated page should have at the top the equivalent of "This is an unofficial translation of <link to original>. It may be either incomplete or incorrect. Found a translation bug?" The last would link to a language-appropriate version of https://docs.python.org/3/bugs.html. In the page footer, "Fould a bug" and its link would be similarly replaced. If it seems necessary, use the red warning colors. On bugs.python.org, 'Documentation' could be augmented to 'Documentation - English original' Note that this is still a character short of the longest component: '2to3 (2.x to 3.x conversion tool)' My impression is that one of the arguments for moving to githup was that we could somehow enable people to submit doc pull requests while reading the web page. (I don't know the details.) The hope was and would be that this would mostly eliminate tracker issues for simple typo fixes, which are a nuisance in the sense of having a high overhead to improvement ratio. Any such requests generated on translated page would go to the translation site. If in spite of the above and any other efforts, there were still misdirected reports on bugs.python.org, the translators should deal with them. In any case, Berker and anyone else could ignore them. A last resort would be to remove the redirect links. -- Terry Jan Reedy