Le Fri, 01 Mar 2013 00:31:28 +0100, Christian Heimes <christian@python.org> a écrit :
Am 28.02.2013 22:53, schrieb Eric Snow:
Good point. My own use of **kwargs rarely sees the object leave the function or get very big, and this aspect of it just hadn't come up to broaden my point of view. I'm glad we're having this discussion. My intuition is that such a use case would be pretty rare, but even then...
I guess most function calls don't need the feature of ordered kwargs. Could we implement yet another prefix that turns unordered keyword arguments into ordered keyword arguments, e.g. ***ordkwargs (3 *) and METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS|METH_ORDERED PyMethodDef.ml_flags? That would allow ordered keyword arguments while keeping backward compatibility to existing programs. Only functions that ask for ordered kwargs would have to pay the minor performance penalty, too.
Well, you know, the performance concern also applies to pure Python functions, not just C ones ;) Regards Antoine.