On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 7:57 PM, Antoine Pitrou <solipsis@pitrou.net> wrote:
Jesse Noller <jnoller@...> writes:
Windows Services != Unix daemons. Admittedly, I haven't had to do it in awhile, but from what I remember, windows services are nowhere near the same type of beast as a unix daemon, and trying to make a unified daemon library that glosses over the differences might cause seizures and habitual smoking.
That would be like a portable library which would allow to write multiprocess programs by glossing over the differences between Unix and Windows processes... Wouldn't it?
Since Antoine called me to the mat on this one, and I've been chewing on this more today - I think the cross-platformedness (is that a word?) idea is a good one, even if the Qt design doesn't necessarily apply here completely, having a single abstraction to both (but different modules under that abstraction based on os) is attractive (as Stephen pointed out). Heck, a daemon for OS/X is going to need it's own underlying implementation as well: the proper way to install a daemon/service is via launchd [1] which I had to monkey with both for the OS/X buildbot I have, and for an application today. jesse [1] http://developer.apple.com/documentation/Darwin/Reference/ManPages/man8/laun...