--- Arnaud Delobelle <arno@marooned.org.uk> wrote:
from random import randrange
ABIGNUMBER = 100000 # or should it be THEBIGNUMBER?
class ArticleError(Exception): pass
def the(s): try: s = iter(s) ret = s.next() for el in s: raise ArticleError return ret except (StopIteration, TypeError): raise ArticleError("'the' argument must be a singleton iterable")
def a(s): try: s = iter(s) for i, el in enumerate(s): if not randrange(i+1): ret = el if i == ABIGNUMBER: return ret return ret except (NameError, TypeError): raise ArticleError("'a' argument must be a non-empty iterable")
Good stuff, I like it. Not sure I would actually use it, but it's a good brainstorm... :)
an = a # for convenience :)
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