Here is another problem in this general area. Multiplying an array by a float already raises a type error. >>> []*0.0 Traceback (most recent call last): TypeError: can't multiply sequence by non-int of type 'float' This problem can arrse 'by accident'. For example, consider
x = {0.0} x.update(range(3)) list(x) [0.0, 1, 2]
Let's now return to the feature (of the builtin list, tuple and str classes): >>> [1] * (-1) == [] True On the one hand I expect there's code that relies on the feature to run correctly. On the other hand I expect there's code that should raise an exception but doesn't, because of this feature. @ericfahlgren It would be most helpful if you could provide or create a reference to support your claim, that there is already a lot of code that would fail if this change was made. @fjwillemsen It would be most helpful if you could provide real-world examples of code where raising an exception would enable better code. Examples relating this are of course welcome from all, not just the two named contributors. -- Jonathan