On Sun, Oct 3, 2021, 1:46 AM Christopher Barker
The if __name__ block is only required for a Python file to be both a module and a script. That’s actually a pretty uncommon thing— if it’s a module to be imported by other modules, then it probably should be part of a package, and if the functionality needs to be made available as a script, there can be another module just for that.
I think all the slightly different boilerplate forms suggested are needless. So on the main topic, -1. But as a note, I usually put a __name__=='__main__' block at the foot of my library code. The few functions in this particular file presumably do something useful, and hopefully composable. Why not allow command-line users to do just that one thing by itself? Sure, the predominant use is within a library, but being able to try out this functionality usually helps my development, and is sometimes useful to have around and composable in bash.