When you put it from this perspective, it seems to make sense, however, I do not agree. To me, from first principles it seems it’s all about condensing more complexity in smaller modular packages. Leaving modularity aside, condensing more complexity in smaller packages in programming area is most often expressed via abstractions. Starting from binary we build more expressive components and applications, where each layer uses less and less code to do more and more complex things. Yes, when you increase complexity without increasing the size - you say expressiveness. But when you make package smaller without increasing complexity - you say conciseness. So "expressiveness ~ 1/conciseness" if both aspects of phenomena are taken into account. And decreasing number of characters is not conciseness, but rather 1 dimension of it, nevertheless important. That is why I am a bit confused, when someone argues that it is not about conciseness, but about expressiveness. I see the POV, that say ok x-size, y-expressiveness, however I think in this case, it is not expressiveness, but rather functionality. So x-size(however one defines it), y-functionality. Expressiveness = y/x Conciseness = x/y Thus, expressiveness = 1 / conciseness. Maybe I am not using the terminology correctly (seems right to me, given etymology of these words), but this is just to explain what I meant.
On 18 Jul 2023, at 18:34, Paul Moore <p.f.moore@gmail.com> wrote:
On Tue, 18 Jul 2023 at 16:13, Dom Grigonis <dom.grigonis@gmail.com <mailto:dom.grigonis@gmail.com>> wrote: To me, they are in the inverse relationship.
Terseness ~ 1 / expressiveness.
No, they are unrelated (in general).
Terseness is nothing more than "can I use fewer characters?" and is almost always the wrong thing to do in isolation (yes, if things get *yoo* verbose they can be hard to comprehend, but that's about going to extremes, not about terseness as such).
Expressiveness is about matching the *concepts* involved to the problem. So list comprehensions are expressive because they declaratively say what the content of the list should be, and avoid the unnecessary concepts around how you build the list. It's irrelevant how many characters are involved, what matters is that you can omit saying "first create an empty list, now add elements like <this> one by one..."