[Kristján Valur Jónsson]
The idea is to speed up the swapping of list elemenst so that a.swap(b) is equivalent to a[:], b[:] = b[:], a[:] but without all the overhead of creating slices, assigning them and so forth.
The technique is useful and very fast. I used something similar in setobject.c in the set_swap_bodies() function, but it was sufficiently dangerous to subclass invariants that it was not exposed to the end-user. Subclasses written as C extensions are the most in danger because a swap could break their internal invariants and possibly crash the code. Pure python list subclasses are only in danger of breaking without crashing. While Python is a consenting adults language, I think the basic objects like lists should be kept free of dangerous or hard-to-use constructs. The problem with the OP's example is that it only makes sense in interactions between a list and a list subclass that won't be broken by it. For straight list-to-list interactions, it is better to write "a,b = b,a" (though this is not exactly the same thing since the identity of a and b will change, not just their contents). For list subclass uses (a more advanced topic), some example will work and some won't (I gave two failing examples in the tracker discussion). When the list subclass is a C extension written by a third-party, it may not be possible to know whether or not a swap will break invariants. That's a killer. There are a number of places in the language where swapping could be used (frozenset to set conversions for example) but the technique is fragile and probably should not become part of the language as distributed. In the OP's use case, it is not hard to build a C extension for his subclasses and include a swap() method there. That is a much less fragile design because the subclass already knows about its own internal invariants and it can verify that its input source is an exact list. An OOP design principle is that a method should be added to the class that has the most knowledge about all of the inputs (in this case, the C extension subclass knows more than general purpose lists). A side benefit of this design (putting swap() in the list subclass instead of standard list objects) is that this avoids putting dangerous optimizations in the hands of beginning users (i.e. it keeps the list API simple and clean). Raymond