FWIW, here are some of the CWE codes for related vulnerabilities/weaknesses in implementations:CWE-707: Improper Neutralization
https://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/707.htmlCWE-22: Improper Limitation of a Pathname to a Restricted Directory ('Path Traversal')Because this behavior of os.path.join is documented, it's not a vuln in Python, it's a vuln in every downstream component that (1) uses os.path.join with user supplied input; and that (2) doesn't strip a leading '/' from path parts before joining them with os.path.join.https://docs.python.org/3/library/os.path.html#os.path.join
> [...] If a component is an absolute path, all previous components are thrown away and joining continues from the absolute path component.[quoting from "part 2"]What does sanitizepart do with a leading slash?
assert os.path.join("a", "/b") == "/b"
A new safejoin() or joinsafe() or join(safe='True') could call sanitizepart() such that:
assert joinsafe("a\n", "/b") == "a\\n/b"On Sun, May 10, 2020 at 5:36 AM Steve Jorgensen <stevej@stevej.name> wrote:Steve Jorgensen wrote:
> Steve Jorgensen wrote:
> > Andrew Barnert wrote:
> > On May 9, 2020, at 17:35, Steve Jorgensen
> > stevej@stevej.name wrote:
> > I believe the Python standard library should
> > include
> > a means of sanitizing a filesystem entry, and this should not be something requiring a
> > 3rd
> > party package.
> > One of reasons I think this should be in the standard lib is because that provides a
> > common, simple means for code reviewers and static analysis services such as Veracode to
> > recognize that a value is sanitized in an accepted manner.
> > This does seem like a good idea. People who do this themselves get it wrong all
> > the time, occasionally with disastrous consequences, so if Python can solve that, that
> > would be great.
> > But, at least historically, this has been more complicated than what you’re suggesting
> > here. For example, don’t you have to catch things like directories named “Con” or files
> > whose 8.3 representation has “CON” as the 8 part? I don’t think you can hang an entire
> > Windows system by abusing those anymore, but you can still produce filenames that some
> > APIs, and some tools (possibly including Explorer, cmd, powershell, Cygwin, mingw/native
> > shells, Python itself…) can’t access (or can only access if the user manually specified a
> > .\ absolute path, or whatever).
> > Yes. I am aware of some of the unsafe names in DOS and older Windows. As I
> > mentioned in my other reply, there is a distinction between the ones that are merely
> > invalid and those that are actually unsafe. In researching existing Linux tools just now,
> > I was reminded that a leading dash is frequently unsafe because many tools will treat an
> > argument starting with dash as an option argument.
> > Is there an established algorithm/rule that lots of
> > people in the industry trust that
> > Python can just reference, instead of having to research or invent it? Because otherwise,
> > we run the risk of making things worse instead of better.
> > An excellent point! I just started digging into that and found references to
> > detox and Glindra. Neither of those seems to be well maintained though. The documentation
> > pages for Glindra no longer exist and detox is not in standard package repositories for
> > CentOS later than 6 (and only in EPEL for that. Still digging.
> > Extremely apropos to the question of what charters might be problematic
> and/or unsafe: https://dwheeler.com/essays/fixing-unix-linux-filenames.html
That article links to another by the same author that is specific to vulnerabilities caused by file names.
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