On Tue, 20 Apr 2010 18:47:50 +0200 Tarek Ziadé <ziade.tarek@gmail.com> wrote:
(Of course, if you want to start down this route, I'd suggest you start with a function which, given a directory name, determines if that directory's treats file names within it as case sensitive or not. I'm not even sure if this is possible to implement in any sane way, but it would be the key building block for any other path matching code, such as your os.path.hasext proposal).
I am not sure to follow the issue. Do you mean that in the same filesystem, each directory can treat case sensivity differently ? I wasn't aware of that.
I don't think so. On the other hand, with modern file systems, if I need a directory that is case-insensitive on a file system that's case-sensitive, I'll just create a case-sensitive file system at that point. Doesn't even require root privs these days.
How would this affect the extension btw ? I can imagine that the path+extensions could to be normalized before the matching job, but I don't see other issue, do you have an example ?
This gets back to user expectations - if foo.c and foo.C are different files, then foo.c doesn't have a .C extension. If they aren't different file, then it does. Which means you have to know whether files are being treated in a case insensitive manner or not before you can normalize the names. <mike -- Mike Meyer <mwm@mired.org> http://www.mired.org/consulting.html Independent Network/Unix/Perforce consultant, email for more information. O< ascii ribbon campaign - stop html mail - www.asciiribbon.org