On 4 June 2013 13:56, Daniel Holth <dholth@gmail.com> wrote:
Everyone argues against new standard library modules by default.

YAML is the kind of thing that might make sense. It is a generally
useful serialization format that fills a gap between ini, json, and
xml, and it is a very stationary target.

Agreed. I would definitely use YAML if it were in the stdlib. Because it's an external dependency, I tend to end up using ini format, and hacking round its limitations in at least some cases.

There seems to be some doubt about whether any of the existing
libraries fit the bill.

Agreed, but adoption of an existing library (presumably PyYAML as it's the only mature one I'm aware of) is the only sensible option, surely? Writing something brand new for the stdlib - or worse still, writing something *partial* and brand new - can't be a sensible option. (And I'd consider a pure-python implementation "partial" in that sense, I see no reason to have a version that is deliberately slower than the competition in the stdlib).
