On Sun, Dec 08, 2013 at 09:13:06AM -0600, Ron Adam wrote:
Possibly function to take the next n items of an iterator without advancing it.
Fundamentally impossible. The best you can do it advance the iterator but store the results for later use.
Along with a function to advance an iterator n ahead without taking anything.
Too trivial to bother with. Just advance the iterator and throw the result away. def advance(it, n): for _ in range(n): next(it) You can even do it as a one-linear, at the expense of readability: {next(it) and None for _ in range(n)}.pop() (The pop isn't really necessary, I just like the fact that it means the expression evaluates as None.)
These would be simpler and easier to maintain, and have a wider range of uses.
Maybe, maybe not, but they don't solve the problem that people keep asking to be solved. -- Steven