On Sun, Jun 21, 2015 at 4:54 AM, Stefan Behnel <stefan_ml@behnel.de> wrote:
I also had some discussions about these things with Nick before. Not sure if you really meant PEP 384 (you might have) or rather PEP 489:
I did mean PEP 384, but PEP 489 is certainly related as I expect we'll make participation in this subinterpreter model by extension modules opt-in. Basically they will need to promise that they will work within the restricted environment.
I consider that one more important here, as it will eventually allow Cython modules to support subinterpreters. Unless, as you mentioned, they use global C state, but only in external C code, e.g. wrapped libraries. Cython should be able to handle most of the module internal global state on a per-interpreter basis itself, without too much user code impact.
I'm totally +1 for the idea. I hope that I'll find the time (well, and money) to work on PEP 489 in Cython soon, so that I can prove it right for actual real-world code in Python 3.5. We'll then see about subinterpreter support. That's certainly the next step.
That would be super. -eric