haael wrote:
@ Brain Curtin
Names tend to be nouns, so first I can't imagine why you'd want "with" as a name, but you could exchange almost all keywords in the example and it's not a great case. Making this change rather than working around poor name choice gets a -1 from me.
First of all, many nouns are reserved, i.e. "object" or "class".
Many? Aren't we still at less than 50 words total? Pretty infinitesimal when compared with the 100,000+ words in the English language.
Second: variable names are usually nouns indeed, but functions and methods are often verbs, while named parameters can be prepositions and adverbs.
For example:
Python kidnapped many verbs and prepositions and made them reserved.
See above. This is a ridiculous exaggeration. ~Ethan~