malmiteria writes:
Stephen J. Turnbull writes:
One really plausible example is given in Raymond's piece: a later version of the same library refactors a "monolithic" class as a child of one or more "private" classes that are not intended to be exposed in the public API, but your multiply-derived class *written before the refactoring* Just Works. As far as I can see, super(), and maybe even the deterministic MRO, is needed to make that work.
I'm curious about this exemple, do you have a link to share so i could have a look at the code / change in code? This could be a good exercice.
The example is not code, it's a description of a case where you would definitely not know the class hierarchy at execution time because it changes after you release your code. It's described in "Python's super() considered super!" But you don't need to read it, there are no more details than what's quoted above.