Sept. 17, 2020
6:19 a.m.
On Thu, Sep 17, 2020 at 3:02 PM Wes Turner <wes.turner@gmail.com> wrote:
Something like this in the docstring?: "In order to support the historical JSON specification and closed ecosystem JSON, it is possible to specify an encoding other than UTF-8."
I don't think dumpf should support encoding parameter. 1. Output is ASCII unless `ensure_ascii=True` is specified. 2. Writing new JSON file with obsolete spec is not recommended. 3. If user really need it, they can write obsolete JSON by `dump` or `dumps` anyway. I against adding `encoding` parameter to dumpf and loadf. They are just shortcut for common cases. Regards, -- Inada Naoki <songofacandy@gmail.com>