June 20, 2007
8:21 p.m.
On 6/19/07, Steve Howell <showell30@yahoo.com> wrote:
I somewhat tongue-in-cheekly propose to make the first seven most common English words all integral part of the Python language (three already are):
This made me smile. Incidentally, Inform 7 has noun phrases where the words {a, an, the, any, all, most, least} have meanings; it can also be made to understand adjectives, nouns, and prepositions. So you can say things like: let x = the most annoying person in the location now all programmers are enlightened Not appropriate for Python, though. Inform 7: http://inform-fiction.org/I7/Inform%207.html Me, previously, on noun phrases: http://groups.google.com/group/rec.arts.int-fiction/msg/6bdc4b103cafe98f -j