Le Thu, 30 Apr 2009 05:55:41 -0700, Daniel Fetchinson <fetchinson@googlemail.com> s'exprima ainsi:
It is clear and simple enough to write something like:
@property @cache # or "once" if you prefer the Eiffel name def value(self): pass
Such a decorator could then be used on any appropriate function, not just for properties.
I agree, -1 on modifying @property and +1 on adding a new decorator to functools or some other module, maybe a collection of useful decorators.
While I regularly use caching/memoizing (e.g. for packrat parsing) and I like the idea of having it predefined in the language, now I wonder whether it's really worth it. Because usually it's a very simple thing to implement -- often two obvious lines of code -- and easy to understand, even for someone who does not know the principle yet. E.g for a property getter: def _getThing(...): if self._thing is not None: return self._thing <else compute thing> (Also note that for a func you can cache on the func itself: func.cache -- but the 2-3 cases when I thought at that, it was rather a design issue with global vars.) Maybe I'm missing the point? Denis ------ la vita e estrany