On Sat, 15 May 2010 17:04:29 +0200 Antoine Pitrou <solipsis@pitrou.net> wrote:
On Sat, 15 May 2010 11:02:35 -0300 Andre Roberge <andre.roberge@gmail.com> wrote:
1/0 Suivi d'erreur (appel le plus récent en dernier) : Fichier "<stdin>", à la ligne 1, dans <module> ZeroDivisionError: division entière ou modulo par zéro
I'm not sure it's a good idea. The fact that these messages are always in English makes it possible: - to share them with other developers in order to get help - to parse them in order to assert certain kind of errors
These messages are primarily meant for developers, not users.
(as a sidenote, I regularly get annoyed by gcc's "translated" error messages -- especially how crappy the French translation often is. It's always better to get a good English error message than a horrible French one)
I share this point of view (while my mother tongue is french as well). Distinguish the language user (developper) from app end-user. Now, at another level, it may also be considered that people are able to program using their own language; it's also fair and good from the pov of diversity. It may help spreading & developping "the art of programming" by removing an important entry barrier. But it's a very big effort and there should be a reference anyway (*). Denis (*) In "the best of all possible worlds", an IAL... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_auxiliary_language ________________________________ vit esse estrany ☣ spir.wikidot.com