The numbers module provides very useful ABC for the ‘numeric tower’, able to abstract away the differences between python primitives and for example numpy primitives.

I could not find any equivalent for Booleans.

However numpy defines np.bool too, so being able to have an abstract Boolean class for both python bool and numpy bool would be great.


Here is a version that I included in valid8 in the meantime



class Boolean(metaclass=ABCMeta):


    An abstract base class for booleans, similar to what is available in numbers



    __slots__ = ()



    def __bool__(self):

        """Return a builtin bool instance. Called for bool(self)."""



    def __and__(self, other):

        """self & other"""



    def __rand__(self, other):

        """other & self"""



    def __xor__(self, other):

        """self ^ other"""



    def __rxor__(self, other):

        """other ^ self"""



    def __or__(self, other):

        """self | other"""



    def __ror__(self, other):

        """other | self"""



    def __invert__(self):




# register bool and numpy bool_ as virtual subclasses

# so that issubclass(bool, Boolean) = issubclass(np.bool_, Boolean) = True




    import numpy as np


except ImportError:

    # silently escape





If that topic was already discussed and settled in the past, please ignore this thread – apologies for not being able to find it.

Best regards

