On 2021-04-30 11:14, David Álvarez Lombardi wrote:
To me, it is hard to see how any argument against this design (for anything other than implementation-difficulty or something along these lines) can be anything but an argument against iter comprehensions in general... but if someone disagrees, please say so.
The difference between your proposal and existing comprehensions is that strings are very different from lists, dicts, sets, and generators (which are the things we currently have comprehensions for). The syntax for those objects is Python syntax, which is strict and can include expressions that have meaning that is interpreted by Python. But strings can contain *anything*, and in general (apart from f-strings) their content is not parsed by Python. You can't do this: [wh4t3ver I feel like!!! okay?^@^&] But you can do this: "wh4t3ver I feel like!!! okay?^@^&" This means that the way people think about and visually comprehend strings is quite different from other Python types. You propose to have the string delimiters now contain actual Python code that Python will parse and run, but this isn't what people are used to seeing between quote marks. I think the closest existing thing to your string comprehensions is not any existing comprehension, but rather f-strings, which are the one place where Python does potentially parse and execute code in a string. However, f-strings are different in notable ways. First, the code in f-strings is delimited (by curly braces), so it is visually distinguished from "freeform" text within the string. Second, f-strings do not restrict the normal usage of strings for freeform text content (apart from making the curly brace characters special). So `f"wh4t3ver I feel like!!! okay?^@^&"` is a valid f-string just like it's a valid string. In your proposal (I assume), something like `c"item for item in other_seq and then the string text continues here"` would have to be a syntax error. That is, unlike f-strings (or any other existing kind of string), the string comprehension would "claim" the entire string and you could no longer put normal string content in there. Your proposal is focusing on strings as iterables and drawing a parallel with other kinds of iterables for which we have comprehensions. But strings aren't like other iterables because they're primarily vessels for freeform text content, not structured data. For the same reason, string comprehensions are likely to be less useful. I would look doubtfully on code that tried to do anything complex in a string comprehension, in the same way that I would look doubtfully on code that used f-strings with huge, complex expressions. It would be more readable to do whatever data preparation you need to do before creating the string and then use a simpler final step to create the string itself. Also, string comprehensions would only facilitate the creation of simple "linear" strings which draw their content sequentially from iterables. I find that in practice, if I want to create a string, programmatically, I'm not doing that. Rather, I'm pulling disparate content from different places and putting it together in a template-like fashion, in the way that f-strings or str.format() facilitate. So I don't think this proposal would have much practical use in string creation. So overall I think your proposed string comprehensions would tend to make Python code less readable in the relatively rare cases where they were useful at all. -- Brendan Barnwell "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go, instead, where there is no path, and leave a trail." --author unknown