I've given it more thought over the past few days. Given the discussion here, and some more reading on my part, it seems to me that there isn't much chance for me convincing anyone to raise an exception on FP ==. I'm not too sure that it's the right move anyway. While I'll probably avoid FP == in my code, it seems to me that there are some cases it is useful (even given the inaccuracy of the results). Regarding adding warnings to pychecker/pylint, I think it's a good idea. Probably for another mailing list though :). Also, I considered the subject of runtime warnings as well. Adding the relevant warnings to any static checker could be really hard work while warning during runtime could be a lot easier. Therefore, it seems worthwhile to consider this option. I didn't happen to use the warnings module before, so I read its documentation now (also the PEP) and played with it a little. First, if a warning is generated for floating point ==, it can be turned off globally, or on a line-by-line basis. Second, regarding Mark's comment on SmellyCodeWarning. I thought about it a bit, and it seems no joke to me. gcc has a -Wall mode, so does Python. Why not use it in this situation? (i.e. having some warnings not displayed by default.) I think it would be interesting to consider more cases of 'SmellyCodeWarning' in general, and adding them under some warning category. If there's a need for a use case, we've already got the first one - floating point comparisons. Cheers, Imri. ------------------------- Imri Goldberg www.algorithm.co.il/blogs www.imri.co.il ------------------------- Insert Signature Here ------------------------- Mark Dickinson wrote:
On Fri, Mar 14, 2008 at 5:01 AM, Imri Goldberg <lorgandon@gmail.com <mailto:lorgandon@gmail.com>> wrote:
Alright, I agree it's a good idea to drop the proposal to changing floating point == into an epsilon compare. What about issuing a warning though? Consider the following course of action. It is the one with the least changes:
== for regular floating point numbers now issues a warning, but still works. This warning might be turned off. All other operators are left unchanged.
Do you think this should be dropped as well?
To be honest, yes. There isn't currently a SmellyCodeWarning or IsThatReallyWhatYouMeanWarning in Python, and there doesn't seem to be a lot of precedent for warning on code constructs that may often be wrong but also have legitimate uses. Most of the current warnings have more to do with syntactic or semantic changes between various versions of Python.
But I think it would be entirely appropriate to warn about floating-point (in)equality checks in something like PyChecker or Pylint, if you can get past the technical difficulties of detecting floating-point comparisons statically.