On 13/10/2011 8:32am, Eric Snow wrote:
2. namespaces
I hate using a class definition as a plain namespace, but the following is cool (if I'm reading this right):
:some_func(@.x, @.y) class _: x = 4 y = 1
and given a purer namespace (like http://code.activestate.com/recipes/577887):
:some_func(**@) @as_namespace class _: x = 4 y = 1
I would rather ressurect PEP 3150 but make STATEMENT_OR_EXPRESSION given: SUITE equivalent to something like def _anon(): SUITE return AtObject(locals()) @ = _anon() STATEMENT_OR_EXPRESSION del @ where AtObject is perhaps defined as class AtObject(object): def __init__(self, d): self.__dict__.update(d) Then you could do some_func(@.x, @.y) given: x = 4 y = 1 and x = property(@.get, @.set) given: def get(self): ... def set(self, value): ... Wouldn't this be cleaner/simpler to implement than the old PEP 3150? Certainly prettier to my eyes than the new proposal -- I want my subordinate definitions indented. Cheers, sbt