I am a relative nobody in Python, however a few weeks ago, I suggested more harmonization with JavaScript. Admittedly I've been doing more JS lately, so I might have JS-colored glasses on, but it looks like you're trying to add lexical scoping to Python, and there's a whole lot of manual scope work going on. (This may be a result of showing what can be done, rather than what can typically be done). I am probably entirely mistaken, however when I saw the subject and started reading, I expected to see something like v = context.Var({'some': value, 'other': value}) # (wherein Var() would make deep copies of the values) why repeat `var` after context ? if Var is the only point of context module? But that's not what I saw. I didn't immediately grasp that `value` and `description` (aka. `doc`) were special properties for an individual context var. This is likely an issue with me, or it could be documentation. Then it went on to talk about using `with` for managing context. So it looks like the `with` is just providing a value stack (list) for the variable? Can this be done automatically with a _setattr_ and append()? Having done a lot of HTML5 Canvas drawing (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/CanvasRenderingContext2D/sa...) , this reminds me of `save()` and `restore()`, which would likely be more familiar to a larger audience. Additionally what about: with context.save() as derived_context: # or just `with context as derived_context:` calling save automatically # whatever # automatically call restore on __exit__. I also wonder about using multiple context Vars/managers with `with`, as that statement would get quite long. Finally, would it be possible to pass a dict and get membered object out? Using v from the example above, i.e.: v.value, v.other where gets/sets automatically use the most recent context?