I have added support for naming objects in dumps, cross-references and declarative support in dumps/loads too. I can't now commit changes. This night I will commit changes to sources and update project pages. Here are examples of how it works now: == Examples with loads== ===Example with recursive list===
lst = pyon.loads(""" ... lst = ['foo', lst] ... lst""") lst is lst[1] True
===Example with recursive dict===
d = pyon.loads(""" ... d = {'a':'foo', 'b':d} ... d""") d is d['b'] True
===Example with cross-references===
ob = pyon.loads(""" ... lst = ['foo', lst, d] ... d = {'a':'foo', 'b':d, 'c':lst} ... [d, lst]""") lst = ob[1] d = ob[0] lst[1] is lst True d is d['b'] True lst[2] is d True d['c'] is lst True
===Example with recursive class and cross-references===
ob = pyon.loads(""" ... c = C(parent=c, lst=lst, d=d) ... lst = ['foo', lst, d, c] ... d = {'a':'foo', 'b':d, 'c':lst, 'd':c} ... [d, lst, c]""") lst = ob[1] d = ob[0] c = ob[2] c.parent is c True c.lst is lst True c.d is d True d is d['b'] True lst[2] is d True d['c'] is lst True d['d'] is c True lst[3] is c True
p1 = (1,2) p2 = [1,2] pyon.dumps([p1,p2,p1,p2], fast=False) _p__0=(1,2) _p__1=[1,2] [_p__0,_p__1,_p__0,_p__1] pyon.dumps([p1,p2,p1,p2], fast=False, p1=p1,p2=p2)
==Examples with dumps== ===Example with naming and assignments== p1=(1,2) p2=[1,2] [p1,p2,p1,p2] ===Example with recursive list===
lst = ['foo'] lst.append(lst) pyon.dumps(lst, fast=False) _p__0=['foo',_p__0] _p__0 pyon.dumps(lst, fast=False, lst=lst) lst=['foo',lst] lst
===Example with recursive dict===
d = {'a':'foo'} d['b'] = d pyon.dumps(d, fast=False) _p__0={'a':'foo', 'b':_p__0} _p__0 pyon.dumps(d, fast=False, d=d) d={'a':'foo', 'b':d} d
===Example with recursion in class instance== class C(object): def __reduce__(self): return C, (), self.__dict__
c= C() c.parent = c pyon.dumps(c, fast=False) _p__0=C(parent=_p__0) _p__0 pyon.dumps(c, fast=False, c=c) c=C(parent=c) c
===Example with cross-refernce=== class C(object): def __reduce__(self): return C, (), self.__dict__
lst = ['foo'] lst.append(lst) d = {'a':'bar','b':lst} d['c'] = d c = C() c.lst = lst c.d = d c.parent = c d['d'] = c pyon.dumps([lst,d,c], fast = False, lst=lst, d=d) lst=['foo',lst] _p__1=C(lst=lst,d=d,parent=_p__1) d={'a':'bar','c':d,'b':lst,'d':_p__1} [lst,d,_p__1]
Best regards, Zaur