Dear all, what do you think about allowing the use of operators on ranges? I thought of things like: a = range(1,10) b = range(5,12) intersect = a & b # equivalent to intersect = range(5,10) merge = a | b # equivalent to merge = range(1,12) to make this work in more complex cases, like: a = range(1,10) b = range(12,15) merge = a | b # equivalent to sth. like range(range(1,10),range(12,15)) maybe range nesting would be desirable, but the full sequence of values of such a nested range could still be calculated on demand. Such syntax would allow for the generation of more complex sequences, and, as a side-effect, ranges could also be checked for overlap easily: if a & b: do_something() this whole idea is reminiscent, of course, of what's implemented for sets already, so like there you could think of intersect = a & b as shorthand for intersect = a.intersection(b) Opinions?