On 13 November 2017 at 20:43, MRAB <python@mrabarnett.plus.com> wrote:
On 2017-11-13 19:10, Barry Warsaw wrote:
The specifics aren't as important as the general use case: multiple tools competing for the same valuable real-estate.
I have no ideas how to improve the situation, and of course any solution would involve some coordination between all of these tools, but it's beginning to feel like a losing battle. Is there a better way?
I suppose that you could have suggest to them that they follow a convention such as:
1. There can be multiple pragmas in a comment, separated by semicolons: if you don't recognise it, skip past the semicolon.
2. A pragma can be prefixed with the name of the tool, e.g. "# flake8.noqa: F401": if there's a prefix, but it's not yours, skip past the semicolon.
An informational PEP defining a common convention for pragma-style comments could standardise things. I'd suggest starting a discussion (somewhere?) with the development teams for the relevant projects (flake8, mypy, coverage...) with the intention of developing such a PEP that they could all support. Paul