On Fri, 8 Apr 2022 at 22:56, Joao S. O. Bueno <jsbueno@python.org.br> wrote:
Hi. I've replied to the first e-mail on this thread, more than 10 days ago. I am back, though I've read most of what was written.
I don't think things have improved, but you sure are consuming everyone's time
You are still repeating this: "more in line with the expectation of the majority, "
Though, as already asked, there is zero (nothing) to support that. I've seen exactly _one_ e-mail among those in the thread, that seemed to need something different from the current status quo - though not exactly what you offer. I replied in private as that user's needs could be fulfilled with a custom metaclass, offering personal help with that (and did not get a reply).
So, I'd suggest to you, if not for others, at least for myself, that you'd get some backup on what this "majority" you claim could be. Could you set, I don't know, some online form? With questions like:
"on the following scenario, what do you [think|prefer] 'super' [does|could do]?"
Then we can check. No need for "majority" - get at least some 10 respondents, with 2 or 3 of those thinking the same as you, and then maybe it would make sense insisting on this path, as there could be something in there.
While I admire the intent here, unfortunately, a survey like that is almost completely useless. It's easy to trap people into thinking that super does something different from what it does, but that still doesn't show that super needs to be changed. It might be better to word it like this: In the given scenario, which of these lines of code would you expect to have this behaviour? * super().method() * ParentClass.method() * method() * ::method() * ^method() * super[1].method() and ask people to rank them in order of which ones make the most sense. I still don't think the survey would be hugely useful, but this sort of wording is a better way of judging people's expectations than asking them to describe the behaviour of a short form like "super().method()". ChrisA