I'm confused about what a staticproperty would even be.
Usually, properties are a way to provide an interface that "looks like" a simple attribute, but does some computation under the hood. But that computation usually requires instance data to do its thing -- so a static one wouldn't be useful.
In fact, in Python, a staticmethod is not very useful at all anyway, all it is is a function that lives in the class namespace. Making it a property would make it look like a class attribute.
Hmm, I guess one use case would be to make a read only class attribute.
Anyway, the thing is that both staticmethod and property are implimented using descriptors, which I think can only be invoked by instance attribute lookup. That is, the class attribute IS a descriptor instance.
And Chris A says -- there may be a way to get a similar effect with Metaclasses, but we'd have to know what your goal is to advise on how to do that.
Note: you can put a descriptor on class, and the __get__ will be called, to get part of what I think you want:
In [52]: class Ten:
...: def __get__(self, obj, objtype=None):
...: return 10
...: def __set__(self, obj, value):
...: raise AttributeError("attribute can not be set")
In [53]: class A:
...: y = Ten()
# attribute access does call the descriptor's __get__:
In [54]: A.y
Out[54]: 10
But setting the attribute replaces the descriptor, rather than raising an exception:
In [55]: A.y = 12
In [56]: A.y
Out[56]: 12
Honestly, I don't quite "get" how all this works, but the usual thing is for Descriptors to be invoked on instance attribute access.
Christopher Barker, PhD (Chris)
Python Language Consulting
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- Scientific Software Development
- Desktop GUI and Web Development
- wxPython, numpy, scipy, Cython