On Fri, Jul 31, 2020, 2:48 AM Wes Turner <wes.turner@gmail.com> wrote:
# Dicts and DataFrames - Src: https://github.com/westurner/pythondictsanddataframes/blob/master/dicts_and_... - Binder: https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/westurner/pythondictsanddataframes/master?filepat... - (interactive Jupyter Notebook hosted by https://mybinder.org/ )
The punchline of Wes Turner's notebook (very well put together, thank you!) seems to partly be that if you find yourself wanting to work with the position of items in a dict, you might want to consider using a pandas.Series (with it's .iloc method). A difficulty that immediately came to mind with this advice is type hinting support. I was just googling yesterday for "how to type hint using pandas" and the only thing I found is to use pd.Series and pd.DataFrame directly. But those don't support type hinting comparable to: Dict[str, float] Or: class Vector(TypedDict): i: float j: float This is a big downside of the advice "just use pandas". Although I love using pandas and use it all the time.