Hi all, me again ... ) I think it would be desired to modularize Python library and then to provide part of standard library through PyPi It will add possibility to evolve separately run-time and standard library I think standard library should be as small as needed and all other functionality should be provided through PyPi It will be similar as `Rust` did ... they have pretty small `standard library` and `core library` If Python would have small `standard library` and `core library` it would be add standardization for basic functional that should have some Python implementation ... For example: 1) MicroPython (`libpythoncore` - should be provided entirely, `libpythonstd` - could be provided partially) 2) Brython (`libpythoncore` - should be provided entirely, `libpythonstd` - could be provided partially) 3) RustPython (`libpythoncore` - should be provided entirely, `libpythonstd` - should be provided entirely), if `libpythonstd` would be small enough than it would be possible to implement it 4) PyPy (`libpythoncore` - should be provided entirely, `libpythonstd` - should be provided entirely) All other modules and packages could be provided as separate packages (json, xml and etc.) Also it is just guy's thoughts that loves programming and try to bring best things from other ecosystem because they proves by time ;)