Hi Steve,
Reviving old threads from a decade ago is fine, if something has changed. Otherwise we're likely to just going to repeat the same things that were said a decade ago.
Has anything changed in that time? The theme for previous thread (https://mail.python.org/archives/list/python-ideas@python.org/thread/2G72MAR...) was implementing map reduce for generators but didn't cover some details that some of the members here covered.
If not, then your only hope is that people's sense of what is Pythonic code has changed. I'm hoping for this, actually, because I concur with everything else that you mention below (except for 1 more point).
I guess where I am coming from is not from the implementation perspective but more from a programmer's experience perspective when writing a chain for function calls.
Since you cannot provide a dot-method for every possible function your consumers may want, you are never going to eliminate procedural syntax: Agree that there will never be enough. But I think what is enough can be dictated by us? JavaScript didn't have to implement too many on their Array object (map, reduce, filter and a few others). Rust on the other hand pleased more people with methods like filter_map, take_while.