Nice PEP; I'm sorry we didn't get a chance to discuss it at the language summit. On Apr 05, 2014, at 11:43 PM, Eric Snow wrote:
Alternate Approaches ====================
Opt-out Decorator -----------------
This is identical to the current proposal with the exception that Python would also provide a decorator in functools that would cause collected keyword arguments to be packed into a normal dict instead of an OrderedDict.
This would only be necessary if performance is determined to be significantly different in some uncommon cases or that there are other backward-compatibility concerns that cannot be resolved otherwise.
Opt-in Decorator ----------------
The status quo would be unchanged. Instead Python would provide a decorator in functools that would register or mark the decorated function as one that should get ordered keyword arguments. The performance overhead to check the function at call time would be marginal.
The only real down-side is in the case of function wrappers factories (e.g. functools.partial and many decorators) that aim to perfectly preserve keyword arguments by using kwargs in the wrapper definition and kwargs unpacking in the call to the wrapped function. Each wrapper would have to be updated separately, though having functools.wraps() do this automaticallywould help.
Since this is touching a fundamental and common aspect of the language, I think a lot of analysis has to be done for both performance and semantics if the feature is opt-out. People do crazy things and even small performance hits add up. The use cases are valid but rare I submit, so I think most Python code doesn't care. Thus I'd lean toward an opt-in approach. Perhaps a transition period makes sense. Add both opt-in and opt-out decorators, implement opt-in by default for Python 3.5 with a -X option to switch it to opt-out. Cheers, -Barry