On Mon, 23 Nov 2020 at 11:32, Mathew Elman <mathew.elman@ocado.com> wrote:
I imagine there would be a way to have an install install the runner if there is not one on the machine, and use the existing one if there is, and creating a venv in either case. Meaning that using the equivalent of an embedded JRE would be obsolete, no?
Maybe? No-one has actually done that, so either it's harder than you're imagining, or no-one with the knowledge to do it is actually that interested in doing anything about it...
I suppose my point is that having a utility for launching a python app from the desktop may be sufficient for a lot of use cases.
I'm not sure if desktop apps or command line apps are the most important, TBH. Probably depends on the user base. But in general, yes. Paul