This syntax basically allows to put any code from functions into comprehensions. This enables people to write fewer functions at the cost of more complex comprehensions. But functions are a good idea indeed:

* They have a name and from that name it should be clear what that function does without having to look at the implementation.
* Functions can have documentation to provide more information about their behaviour.
* Functions have meaningful arguments possibly with type annotations that make it clear what input and output of that operation is.
* Functions can be reused.
* Functions can be tested.

With that extended comprehension syntax you'll loose all of the above benefits. Since people can put arbitrary complex code into the comprehensions this puts a burden at whoever has to read the code.

As for your first example this is already possible via

[stripped for line in lines if (stripped := line.strip())]

The matrix example is already pretty complex, and the comprehension difficult to read.

Plus for simple comprehensions you have now to ways to write them:

[f(x) for x in stuff]
[for x in stuff: f(x)]

I think the first version is much better because you can see immediately what the resulting list contains: f(x) objects. In the second version you have to reach the end of the comprehension to get that information and the `for x in` part is not really interesting.
On 2/21/20, 14:49 Alex Hall <> wrote:
> Yes but then it's the same as defining a generator-function.

List comprehensions are already the same as other things, but they're nice anyway. `lambda` is the same as defining a function, but it's nice too. Syntactic sugar is helpful sometimes. I think this:

clean = [
for line in lines:
stripped = line.strip()
if stripped:
yield stripped

is easily nicer than this:

def clean_lines():
for line in lines:
line = line.strip()
if line:
yield line

clean = list(clean_lines())

And this:

new_matrix = [
for row in matrix: yield [
for cell in row:
yield f(cell)
except ValueError:
yield 0

is nicer than any of these:

new_matrix = []
for row in matrix:
def new_row():
for cell in row:
yield f(cell)
except ValueError:
yield 0



def new_row(row):
for cell in row:
yield f(cell)
except ValueError:
yield 0

new_matrix = [list(new_row(row)) for row in matrix]


def safe_f(cell):
return f(cell)
except ValueError:
return 0

new_matrix = [
for cell in row
for row in matrix

> > I think it's ambiguous, like in this example:
> clean = [
> for line in lines:
> stripped = line.strip()
> if stripped:
> stripped
> ]
> what says that it's the last stripped that should be yielded?

Because it's the only statement that *can* be yielded. The `yield` is implicit when there's exactly one statement you can put it in front of. You can't `yield stripped = line.strip()`. You can technically have `stripped = yield line.strip()` but we ignore those possibilities.

> > If that function is the whole statement and there is
> > no other expression statement in the comprehension, it will be yielded. I can't tell if
> > there's more to your question.
> > Imagine this one:
> foo = [
> for x in range(5):
> f(x)
> if x % 2:
> x
> ]
> what will be the result?

It will be a SyntaxError, because it's ambiguous.

Here's a new idea: `yield` is only optional in inline comprehensions, i.e. where the loop body consists entirely of a single expression. So for example this is allowed:

new_row = [for cell in row: f(cell)]

but this is not:

new_row = [
for cell in row:
thing = g(cell)

Instead the user must write `yield f(thing)` at the end.

This would mean that you only need to add `yield` when the comprehension is already somewhat long so it's less significant, and there's only one very simple special case to learn about.
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