On Wed, Nov 5, 2008 at 11:10 AM, Zaur Shibzoukhov <szport@gmail.com> wrote:
2008/11/5 Josiah Carlson <josiah.carlson@gmail.com>:
Adding *yet another* Python-centric serialization language seems more than a little silly to me; it seems like a waste of time. Of course you are free to develop this method as you see fit, but don't be surprised if you bring it to python-dev and they say, "no." PyON is just that-born. The PyON concept and it's implementation is at an early stage. Therefore, it too early offer python-dev.
Personally I don't consider PyON as another serialization language. I would like to see it as literal object notation based on python syntax. Currently, this is not possible, because it is necessary to expand the syntax of the python language. I don't expect this soon.
At this stage PyON uses the existing syntax of python language for the human readable/writeble literal representation of objects. I hope that one day someone will propose to expand the syntax of the language and introduce literal notation for objects representation embedded into python language.
Python already has a literal syntax for describing objects in-line in the language. It's the syntax itself, and repr(obj) (given proper __repr__ methods) can give you everything you need, except for recursive and multi-referenced objects. I guess I really don't understand the purpose of PyON. Syntactically it doesn't fit between json and yaml. It supports features that are more useful for a serialization language for RPC, etc., rather than configuration/inlining. And it doesn't really offer a reverse of representation -> object without going through the standard Python parser and executing the result (which has security implications). Again, json is very human readable/writable, is very close to literal Python syntax, and already has support in just about every language worth discussing (and Python offers a json loading module in the standard library). Can you give me a good reason why someone would want to choose PyON over json in 6 months? - Josiah