Summary: I can understand a generator that returns something useful with each yield. I can understand a generator that is used only for cooperative multi-tasking, and returns nothing useful until the end. yield from *as an expression* only really makes sense if the generator is sending useful information *both* ways. I can understand that sort of generator only while reading the PEP; the code smell is strong enough that I forget it by the next day. Details: On 4/2/09, Nick Coghlan <> wrote:
Jim Jewett wrote:
If the "gencall" exhausts the generator f ... If the "return value" of the generator really is important ...
The intermediate values aren't necessarily discarded by "yield from" though: they're passed out to whoever is consuming the values yielded by the outermost generator.
I think this may be where I start to have trouble. When I see the statement form: def outer_g(): yield from inner_g() I expect inner_g to suspend execution, and it isn't that hard to remember that it might do so several times. I also expect the results of to be passed on out to outer_g's own caller, thereby suspending outer_g. So far, so good. But when yield from is used as an expression, and I see: x = yield from g() I somehow expect only a single call to, whose value gets assigned to x, and not passed out. I did read the PEP, in several versions, and understood it at the time ... and still managed (several times) to forget and misinterpret by a day or two later. And yes, I realize it doesn't make too much sense to call only once -- so I kept looking for a loop around that yield from statement. When there wasn't one, I shrugged it off like a with clause -- and still didn't remember the actual PEP-intended meaning. The times I did remember that (even) the expression form looped, I was still boggled that it would return something other than None after it was exhausted. Greg's answer was that it was for threading, and the final return was the real value. This seems like a different category of generator, but I could get my head around it -- so long as I forgot that the yield itself was returning anything useful. -jJ