I'm still against it. Despite its popularity in certain circles and use cases, OrderedDict is way less important than dict. Having too many variants on these display notations is confusing for many users.

On Tue, Dec 15, 2015 at 3:49 AM, Franklin? Lee <leewangzhong+python@gmail.com> wrote:
On Sun, Dec 13, 2015 at 5:00 AM, Jelte Fennema <me@jeltef.nl> wrote:
> Another option would be that this syntax would not represent a list of
> tuples but an OrderedDict. I think they both have their advantages, the list
> of tuples would allow list operations such as `+ items` as you suggested and
> usage of the same keys multiple times. But OrderedDict would allow simple
> indexing directly. But it does not really matter that much since both could
> easily be used to generate the other. OrderedDict(['1':'2']) and
> list(['1':'2'].items()) respectively.
> I think the main case for the list of tuples is actually that you can make
> any OrderedDict from a list of tuples, but not the other way around, since
> duplicate keys would be removed. Which is why I like your idea for a
> shorthand for a list of tuples better, since it covers more uses.
> One important thing to note is the discussion I already mentioned in my
> first email. Especially this message where guide votes -100 for your syntax
> for OrderedDict creation:
> https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-ideas/2009-June/004924.html
> I'm not sure why he disliked that syntax and if he still does. Or if his
> thoughts are different when it would represent a list of tuples instead of
> an OrderedDict.

I also wonder why he doesn't like it. I wouldn't like it if it
represented a list of tuples.

What we have is:
- [a, b, c] -> list = [ordered, mutable, collection]
- {a, b, c} -> set = [unordered, mutable, collection, uniquekeys]
- {a:x, b:y, c:z} -> dict = [unordered, mutable, mapping, uniquekeys]
- (a, b, c) -> tuple = [ordered, immutable, collection]

It seems to me that the pattern would extend to:
- [a:x, b:y, c:z] -> [ordered, mutable, mapping]
- (a:x, b:y, c:z) -> [ordered, immutable, mapping]

The first one is ALMOST OrderedDict, except that it has unique keys.
The second is ALMOST namedtuple, except that it:
- doesn't allow duplicate keys
- doesn't allow indexing by keys (though this can change)
- doesn't allow arbitrary key type (and we don't want ints allowed as keys)
- needs a name and a type

If we add the rule that a mapping literal's type should have unique
keys, then [a:x] -> OrderedDict fits the pattern. But [a:x] => [(a,x)]
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