A great proposal, although now I would have to explain to my students the subtle difference between: res = (print(i * i) for i in range(x)) print('foo') print(res) And res = delayed [print(i * i) for i in range(x)] print('foo') all(res) They seems doing something similar, but they really don't. Overall, I still love it. When I read about it, I immidiatly though about how Django handles translation in models: - define your string in english - mark it with ugettext_lazy and NOT ugettext - the framework delays the translation until a request comes around with data about the user lang The proposed featured would solve the problem nicely. Although I'm not clear on the result of: def stuff(arg=delayed []): Does this mean we create a NEW list everytime in the body function ? Or just a new one the first time than the reference stays in arg ? Because the first behavior would solve a problem Python had with mutable default arguments since the begining. But that would mean the result of "delayed []" is a concrete thing we store in arg. The "delayed" keyword sounds a lot like something used in async io, so I like "lazy" much more. Not only it is shorter, but it convey the meaning of what we are doing better. Talking about async, we need to be clear on what those do: a = (await|yield) lazy stuff a = lazy (await|yield) stuff (should it even allowed ?) a = (lazy stuff(x) for x in stuff) a = None with open(x) as f: a = lazy stuff() # raise IOError print(a) try: a = lazy stuff() # raise except Exception: pass a = lazy f'{name}' + stuff(age) # is there a closure where we store "name" and 'age'? I can see a reasonable outcome for most of this, but it must be very clear. However, I can see several very important things we need to be taking in consederation debugging wise. First, if there is an exception in the lazy expression, Python must indicate in the stack trace where this expression has been defined and where it's evaluated. Pdb must also be able to allow easily to step in those in a coherent manner. Evnetually we also may need to allow this: a = lazy stuff if a is not lazy: print(a) But then lazy can't be used a var name to help with the transition. One last thing: my vote is not dropping the ":" in front of they keyword.