>      It is massively more discoverable, for one simple reason:
> autocomplete.

I am very uncomfortable with
IDEs that try to do my thinking for me, and I start turning things off
on those occasions when I am forced to use them.  It would even occur to
me to try autocompletion.  

There seems to be a clash of generations here, or perhaps a clash of different educational paths.

I agree it is more a clash of learning paths/training. I started out-- with ZERO knowledge-- in 2014 just before Jupyter started to be popular, and the more I have used it (as well as VSCode and Pycharm), the more I have found myself thinking "OH MAN-- if I had had THIS when I was learning, I would have learned so much faster with these code/feature discovery tools".

Notebooks in particular-- more than IDEs, I think-- are changing the way people learn. if I were teaching someone new today, I'd have them use Jupyter right away, probably not the repl.

But I still use the docs a lot too.