Christopher Barker writes:
Frankly, I get confused when there are discussion on this list (or python-dev, or) about currently PEPs in the midst of active discussion!
I would take that as a signal to ignore that thread or poster, to be honest. If it's not clear from thread and post context what they're talking about, either I didn't really care in the first place and probably shouldn't waste time on it, or they are confused, not me. YMMV, but I consider that good advice.
Is is THAT hard to add a little text?
No. Thing is, I'm not going to go to the effort to do it, mostly because I'm old, set in my ways, and I'm rarely going to think of it unless a bunch of folks are willing to try to train me (which to be effective would probably involve behavior that will get them CoC'd). I suspect more or less the same is true of others with the habit. And in fact, it's so easy a machine can do it. Mailman is a Python application, it would be easy to add that function to either the Decorate handler (which adds text to the body) or put it in a separate handler. The Mailman API is easy enough, you just need a Handler subclass with a process() method which calls (or implements directly) that function. How about one of you number-haters being a hero and writing a Mailman Handler? I'll be happy to answer questions, and make sure it gets added to contrib. Bonus points for recognizing titles or substantial prefixes thereof, and adding the PEP number. ;-) Steve