On 29/05/2021 01:26, micro codery wrote:

On Fri, May 28, 2021 at 5:07 PM Rob Cliffe Co<rob.cliffe@btinternet.com> wrote:

On 29/05/2021 00:51, micro codery wrote:

I also don't know what should happen for complicated assignments, and I think this
has been the death of such variable decorator discussions in the past, so I would
still push for only bare identifiers, with or without a type hint (but maybe it will be
better received by more if the type hint is required?).
Please, please, please, don't ever make type hints *required*!  Some of us are perfectly happy not using them (and not having to learn them)!

Rob Cliffe
Fair enough! If this became accepted syntax I would
use it without type hints. Even for those of us that do
use type hints in places, it shouldn’t generally be
necessary because the decorator will have a return
type annotation. 
I think the original argument was that currently bare
identifiers are not allowed unless they have
I think I'm missing something (no, NOT just my marbles, something else 😁).  Do you mean bare unbound identifiers?

spam = 'eggs'
spam # No problem

Rob Cliffe
But this is introducing a new multiline
syntax, and it makes no more sense to take away the
second line and expect a naked decorator to be valid
than it does remove the decorator and expect the
naked identifier to be valid.