On Sun, Feb 10, 2013 at 2:43 PM, Tim Delaney <timothy.c.delaney@gmail.com>wrote:
On 4 February 2013 11:17, Tim Delaney <timothy.c.delaney@gmail.com> wrote:
On 4 February 2013 10:53, João Bernardo <jbvsmo@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi, about this enum/const thing, The use case I like more is a class where you know all the instances and not just a sequence of names. Particularly It would be nice to have custom attributes and methods besides the value and the name.
I have my own implementation with a basic api somewhat borrowed from flufl.enum (plus a lot of other stuff), but with this kind of support: https://github.com/jbvsmo/makeobj
I considered it, and in fact you could almost do it with my implementation by using a custom subclass of EnumValue (except trying it has just exposed a design flaw with the whole _EnumProxy bit). Works if you create the enum in the same module as EnumValues, fails otherwise. Going to have to have a rethink.
Fixed the _EnumProxy issue (but it's a kludge - I've used sys._getframe() - there's probably a better way). I've also made it so that you can override the metaclass to return a subclass of EnumValue.
Now you can do something like:
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from enum import Enum, EnumValue, EnumMeta
class MyEnumValue1(EnumValue): ... pass ... class MyEnumMeta1(EnumMeta): ... @classmethod ... def _create_value(cls, key, value): ... return MyEnumValue1(key, value) ... class MyEnum1(Enum, metaclass=MyEnumMeta1): ... VALUE1, ... VALUE2 ... class MyEnumValue2(EnumValue): ... pass ... class MyEnumMeta2(MyEnumMeta1): ... @classmethod ... def _create_value(cls, key, value): ... return MyEnumValue2(key, value) ... class MyEnum2(MyEnum1, metaclass=MyEnumMeta2): ... VALUE3, ... VALUE4 ... print(repr(MyEnum1)) <enum '__main__.MyEnum1' {<MyEnumValue1 'MyEnum1.VALUE1': 0>, <MyEnumValue1 'MyEnum1.VALUE2': 1>}> print(repr(MyEnum2)) <enum '__main__.MyEnum2' {<MyEnumValue1 'MyEnum1.VALUE1': 0>, <MyEnumValue1 'MyEnum1.VALUE2': 1>, <MyEnumValue2 'MyEnum2.VALUE3': 2>, <MyEnumValue2 'MyEnum2.VALUE4': 3>}>
Can you elaborate on the utility of this feature? What realistic use cases do you see for it? I think that at this point it's important to weigh all benefits of features vs. implementation complexity, and there's absolutely no need to support every feature every other enum implementation has. I want to stress again that the most important characteristic of your implementation is the clean syntax which means that enums are so easy to define they don't really need special Python syntax and a library feature can do. However, there's a big leap from this to defining custom metaclasses for enums. Eli