I also can't really get from "Arek has a need for this one line definition" to "it should be in the standard library". Sure, 'shuffled()' is a more obvious spelling than the slightly odd lambda. But I've yet to see the reason that alias can't just be defined at the top of the test suite.

On Sep 8, 2016 3:14 AM, "Danilo J. S. Bellini" <danilo.bellini@gmail.com> wrote:
That wont work because I would have to type the expression that is used as argument twice in a test.
(lambda data: random.sample(data, len(data)))(container)

That lambda is actually your "shuffled"...

2016-09-08 6:34 GMT-03:00 Arek Bulski <arek.bulski@gmail.com>:
So, why can't you call random.shuffle(all_tests) if you want to run your tests in random order?

I dont randomize test order. People should stop assuming that they know better. I need to randomize some arguments for one particular test and I cannot call shuffle between tests. Its a continous list of declarative tests. Needs to be shuffled().

See? No way to put imperative code between tests.

sample(container, len(container))

That wont work because I would have to type the expression that is used as argument twice in a test. I need shuffled. Enough said.

I'll reiterate that I don't have a use case for this myself... 

I dont have a use case for half of what the std library offers. Or for type annotations. Asynchronous comprehesions, what is that? Do you see me rejecting those?

> (sample having default of entire list size)

That would work but would not be pretty. shuffled() is self explanatory and has a nice ring to it. Randomized list is not a sample by definition.

Arkadiusz Bulski

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Danilo J. S. Bellini
"It is not our business to set up prohibitions, but to arrive at conventions." (R. Carnap)

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