On Fri, 8 Jul 2022 at 02:22, Steve Jorgensen <stevecjor@gmail.com> wrote:
After some playing around, I figured out a pattern that works without any changes to the implementations of `dataclass` or `Enum`, and I like this because it keeps the 2 kinds of concern separate. Maybe I'll try submitting an MR to add an example like this to the documentation for `Enum`.
In [1]: from dataclasses import dataclass
In [2]: from enum import Enum
In [3]: @dataclass(frozen=True) ...: class CreatureDataMixin: ...: size: str ...: legs: int ...:
In [4]: class Creature(CreatureDataMixin, Enum): ...: BEETLE = ('small', 6) ...: DOG = ('medium', 4) ...:
In [5]: Creature.DOG Out[5]: Creature(size='medium', legs=4)
I really like this example. I love dataclasses and I love enums and it looks like they go together like peanut butter and chocolate.You get a free initialiser (__init__ method) and all the other goodness of dataclasses (which are really very good). I tweeted your example and it got 29 likes :-) https://twitter.com/voidspace/status/1546832332056924161 Michael
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-- Michael Foord Python Consultant, Contractor and Trainer https://agileabstractions.com/