On 04/04/2023 15:18, Jonathan Crall wrote:
I have what I think is a fairly low impact quality of life improvement to suggest for the python CLI.
When I'm not working in Python I tend to be working in bash. But often I want to break out and do something quick in Python. I find the `python -c ` CLI very useful for this. For one liners it's perfect. E.g.
NEW_VAR=$(python -c "import pathlib; print(pathlib.Path('$MYVAR').parent.parent)")
And even if I want to do something multi-line it's pretty easy
NEW_VAR=$(python -c " import pathlib for _ in range(10): print('this is a demo, bear with me') ")
But the problem is when I'm writing bash inside a function or some other nested code, I would like to have nice indentation in my bash file, but if I write something like this:
mybashfunc(){ python -c " import pathlib for _ in range(10): print('this is a demo, bear with me') " }
I get `IndentationError: unexpected indent`.
This means I have to write the function ugly like this:
mybashfunc(){ python -c " import pathlib for _ in range(10): print('this is a demo, bear with me') " }
Or use a helper function like this:
codeblock() { __doc__=' copy-pastable implementation Prevents indentation errors in bash ' echo "$1" | python -c "import sys; from textwrap import dedent; print(dedent(sys.stdin.read()).strip('\n'))" }
mybashfunc(){ python -c $(codeblock " import pathlib for _ in range(10): print('this is a demo, bear with me') ") }
Or more recently I found that this is a low-impact workaround:
mybashfunc(){ python -c "if 1: import pathlib for _ in range(10): print('this is a demo, bear with me') " }
But as a certain Python dev may say: "There must be a better way."
Would there be any downside to the Python CLI automatically dedenting the input string given to -c? I can't think of any case off the top of my head where it would make a previously valid program invalid. Unless I'm missing something this would strictly make previously invalid strings valid.
You can solve this with a small module. I named mine run_dedent mkdir -p run_dedent echo pass >run_dedent/__init__.py cat <<EOF >run_dedent/__main__.py import sys import textwrap cmd = textwrap.dedent(sys.argv[1]) exec(cmd) EOF python3 -m run_dedent " import sys print(sys.version_info) " Barry
-- -Dr. Jon Crall (him)
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