On 25 April 2017 at 19:30, Erik <python@lucidity.plus.com> wrote:
And as I also said above, decorators don't cut it anyway (at least not those proposed) because they blindly assign ALL of the arguments. I'm more than happy to hear of something that solves both of those problems without needing syntax changes though, as that means I can have it today ;)
Sorry - a decorator won't "blindly assign all argments" - it will do that just if it is written to do so. It is perfectly feasible to have a decorator to which you can simply pass a list of not wanted auto-parameters, or that will just auto-assign parameters that have been declared on the class body, or even inspect the function signature and check for special annotations - there are tens of ways we could spec a list of exceptions to such a decorator, and still avouid typing three times each name. That said, I am all in favor of the addition of such a decorator to the stdlib. js -><-