Carl Johnson wrote:
Mathias Panzenböck wrote:
Pascal Chambon wrote:
Then just call* delayedNested(partial(A,...arguments...), partial(B, ...arguments...))*/ /to have what you want.
It would be much shorter and more readable to manually nest the with statements.
You could improve the look a little by changing the input excepted. Say:
with delaynested( [A, B], [(A_arg1, A_arg2), B_args]): do_stuff()
A realistic example:
with delaynested([getlock, open], [None, ("file.txt",)]): #Notice that the comma is important! do_stuff()
Is that so bad? I think it looks OK.
That said, it would be nice if there were a better way to do partial functions than either lambda or functools.partial.
-- Carl
Or: with delaynested((getlock,), (open,"file.txt")) as lock, fp: do_stuff() But what about keyword parameters? The clean solution is the new syntax. -panzi