While I was implementing JSON-JWS (JSON web signatures), a format which in Python 3 has to go from bytes > unicode > bytes > unicode several times in its construction, I notice I wrote a lot of bugs: "sha256=b'abcdef1234'" When I meant to say: "sha256=abcdef1234" Everything worked perfectly on Python 3 because the verifying code also generated the sha256=b'abcdef1234' as a comparison. I would have never noticed at all unless I had tried to verify the Python 3 output with Python 2. I know I'm a bad person for not having unit tests capable enough to catch this bug, a bug I wrote repeatedly in each layer of the bytes > unicode > bytes > unicode dance, and that there is no excuse for being confused at any time about the type of a variable, but I'm not willing to reform. Instead, I would like a new string formatting operator tentatively called 'notbytes': "sha256=%notbytes" % (b'abcdef1234'). It gives the same error as 'sha256='+b'abc1234' would: TypeError: Can't convert 'bytes' object to str implictly